Archive by month: 2023-6Return
It’s not “officially” summer according to The Farmer’s Almanac, we have just a few more weeks till June 21st. So why not take advantage of these longer days and cooler days to get your home summer ready? Here are 3 quick & easy home maintenance tips to help with that.
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Both Polyurea and Polyaspartic concrete floor coatings have increasingly popular over the standard home improvement store-type epoxy floor systems in recent years because of their exceptional durability. They are an excellent flooring option to enhance the beauty of their homes.
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When selling your home there are many factors to consider, including pricing, marketing, and timing. However, one of the most important things you can do to increase your chances of a successful sale is to refresh your home's appearance and curb appeal.
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Improperly stored paint can degrade the paint's quality over time, as well as lead to some serious accidents, such as fires or explosions. In this blog, we will discuss the steps you need to take to properly store paint at home, including paint that is left over from a professional painting company.
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We have all either painted something or hired a painter at some point. But have you ever wondered, what is paint exactly? Well, the technical explanation would be that paint is a ubiquitous material that is used to add color, protection, and decoration to a wide variety of surfaces.
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Painting your home or office can be a great way to update its appearance and make it feel fresh and new again. However, the decision to tackle this project yourself or to hire a professional painting company like Spray 'n Coat Painting can be a difficult to make.
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