3 Quick And Easy Home Maintenance Tips To Get Your Home Summer Ready

It’s not “officially” summer according to The Farmer’s Almanac, we have just a few more weeks till June 21st. So why not take advantage of these longer days and cooler days to get your home summer ready? Here are 3 quick & easy home maintenance tips to help with that.

  1. Check The Deck: If you have a deck, you’re sure to spend some time on it this summer. Be sure it is ready for you and your guests. Check all the boards to make sure there are no loose boards or dangerous nails sticking out. It’s also a great time to see if it's time to be resealed. Pour some water on it, if it puddles you’re safe. If the water sinks into the wood it is time to call Spray ‘n Coat Painting and schedule an appointment to have it resealed.
  2. Clean The Screens: Screens collect a lot of dirt and grime and should be cleaned regularly, especially if you like to open your windows and let the fresh air in. There are several ways to clean them, but most experts suggest simply popping them out, and with a soft bristle brush, giving them a good old-fashioned scrubbing with a mild soap dish soap and water, then just rinse them off and air dry. Once they are dry, pop them back in.
  3. Clean The Grill: You can’t throw a BBQ with a dirty grill. And since you’re bound to be using it all summer long and summer is basically almost here, there is no time like the present to get that grill ready. Begin by giving the grill a thorough cleaning, and removing any debris and grease from last summer’s use. Inspect the gas or charcoal components for repairs or replacements, making sure there is proper ventilation for gas grills and stocking up on charcoal and lighter fluid for charcoal grills. Preheat the grill to burn off residue and ensure even heat distribution, and you'll be all set to enjoy tasty summer meals on your perfectly prepared grill.


Take advantage of the upcoming summer season by preparing your home with these three quick tips. First, check your deck for loose boards or nails and call Spray ‘n Coat if your deck needs a fresh coat of stain and resealing. Next, clean your window screens to let fresh air in. Finally, give your grill a thorough cleaning so it’s ready for all those family BBQs. With these simple steps, your home will be ready for enjoyable summer days ahead. Start today!


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